What to Expect From
Outpatient Mental Health Treatment

Discover the benefits of seeking outpatient mental health treatment at Skyline Recovery Center in Los Angeles, California.


Table of Contents

Underscoring the Need for Outpatient Mental Health Treatment

In 2020, 20.3 percent of adults received some form of mental health treatment in the year prior. Outpatient mental health treatment can be an essential step in making care more accessible.1

Outpatient mental health treatment provides a spectrum of therapeutic interventions and support services. These are designed to meet people where they are in their healthcare journey.

Outpatient programs provide an array of options tailored to individual needs, including:
  • Individual and group therapy
  • Support groups
  • Medication management
  • Counseling
Outpatient mental health treatment provides the flexibility to schedule appointments around daily obligations and responsibilities. This empowers people to prioritize their mental health while maintaining their autonomy and independence.
outpatient mental health treatment

Skyline Recovery Center: Your Partner in Wellness

At Skyline Recovery Center (SRC), we are committed to providing our clients with the necessary skills to take charge of their mental health. Through various treatment modalities and a whole-person approach to healing, our goal is to empower our clients on their journey to lasting wellness.

What is Outpatient Mental Health Treatment?

Outpatient mental health treatment encompasses a flexible and accessible approach. This allows treatment plans to address a range of mental health concerns while clients maintain their daily routines.
During residential or inpatient treatment, clients must stay on site after their treatment is finished. Outpatient care allows them to attend therapy sessions, appointments, and support groups on a part-time basis. After treatment is finished, they may return home.
This approach provides people with the support they need to manage their mental health challenges. At the same time, it provides them with the flexibility to continue to engage in work, school, and other activities.

Treatment Modalities Used in Outpatient Mental Health Treatment

Treatment modalities in outpatient mental health care encompass a diverse range of evidence-based approaches. These are aimed at addressing each person’s unique mental health concerns and promoting well-being.
At Skyline Recovery Center, our modalities are tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of each client, fostering a holistic approach to treatment.
Some key treatment modalities used in outpatient mental health treatment include:

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a widely recognized and evidence-based therapeutic approach used in outpatient mental health treatment. It operates on the idea that thoughts and behaviors are interconnected. CBT aims to identify negative patterns that contribute to distress.
One study found that after several sessions, 43 percent of the people who received CBT saw improvement. Because it can take several months to years to see improvements, CBT is considered a long-term approach.2

How CBT Works

In CBT, clients work with their therapist to examine the relationship between their thoughts, emotions, and actions.
Through structured exercises and interventions, they learn to:
  • Challenge and reframe unhelpful thoughts
  • Develop coping strategies
  • Gradually change maladaptive behaviors

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT is a specialized form of therapy. It combines cognitive-behavioral techniques with mindfulness-based practices.

Dialectical behavior therapy is particularly effective in treating people with emotion dysregulation issues. This includes those with conditions such as borderline personality disorder or chronic suicidality.

DBT teaches skills for:
  1. Emotion regulation
  2. Distress tolerance
  3. Interpersonal effectiveness
  4. Mindfulness

Medication Management

Medication management involves the prescription and monitoring of psychiatric medications. These work to reduce symptoms of mental health disorders such as:
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Schizophrenia
Psychiatrists or other medical professionals assess the need for medication. They then prescribe appropriate medications to help with symptoms.

Continuity of Care in Medication Management

At Skyline Recovery Center, we pride ourselves on continuity of care. Because of this, our team of medical professionals will continue to monitor their effectiveness and side effects over time. If needed, adjustments to the prescription will be made to ensure a safe, healthy recovery.

Group Therapy

Group therapy provides a supportive environment where people with similar experiences come together to:

  • Share their challenges
  • Receive support
  • Learn from one another
All group therapy sessions are led by a trained therapist. These sessions may focus on specific topics such as stress management, interpersonal skills, or coping with trauma.

Family Therapy

Family therapy involves sessions with family members or loved ones to:

  • Address relational issues
  • Improve communication
  • Foster understanding and support within the family system
Family therapy can be particularly beneficial for people with mental health concerns that impact their relationships and family dynamics. It can be essential for not only fostering relationships but repairing them.

Holistic Wellness Practices

In addition to traditional therapy modalities, outpatient mental health treatment can include holistic wellness practices such as:
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Yoga
  • Art therapy
  • Exercise
At Skyline Recovery Center, we are dedicated to treating the entire person, not just their symptoms. These holistic practices promote relaxation, stress reduction, self-expression, and emotional well-being.

Person-Centered Approach

A person-centered approach is a fundamental principle in outpatient mental health care. It emphasizes tailoring treatment plans to each person’s unique needs, preferences, and goals.
This approach recognizes that every person is different. At Skyline Recovery Center, we believe there is no one-size-fits-all solution to mental health challenges.
Instead, therapists and mental health professionals work with clients to develop personalized goals and strategies. We believe these should resonate with a person’s values, beliefs, and experiences.

Conditions Treated in Outpatient Mental Health Treatment

Outpatient mental health treatment is used to address a wide range of psychological and emotional concerns. At SRC, we strive to provide support, intervention, and guidance for people experiencing various mental health challenges.
Some of the conditions commonly treated through outpatient mental health treatment include:


In 2021, 21.0 million adults in the United States reported experiencing at least one major depressive episode. Outpatient mental health treatment is vital for addressing depression.
Therapeutic approaches like CBT and interpersonal therapy help people:3
  • Challenge negative thoughts
  • Develop coping skills
  • Improve communication
Medication management by psychiatrists stabilizes mood and alleviates symptoms. Regular monitoring and adjustment ensure optimal treatment outcomes. Other treatments, like support groups and psychoeducation, can help provide people with vital tools and resources.

Anxiety Disorders

An estimated 19.1 percent of adults reported experiencing any form of anxiety disorder in the year prior. Anxiety disorders are among one of the most common mental health disorders in adults in the United States.

Outpatient therapy helps people manage symptoms of various anxiety disorders, including:4
  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
  • Panic disorder
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
At Skyline Recovery Center, our professional team is trained in a variety of approaches and methods. These are tailored to each client, helping target their unique concerns. Some examples of anxiety treatments include CBT, relaxation techniques, and exposure therapy.

Trauma and PTSD

Outpatient mental health treatment provides trauma-focused therapy and interventions. These help people process and heal from past traumatic experiences. It also aids in reducing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and related conditions.

Substance Use Disorders

Outpatient programs can be an essential part of recovery from a substance use disorder (SUD). For many, outpatient care is often the next step in treatment following a residential program.

As people reintegrate back into their daily routine, outpatient care can provide vital treatment. Skyline Recovery Center offers a variety of treatments tailored for SUD, including:
  • Support groups
  • Relapse prevention
  • Medication-assisted treatment.

Eating Disorders

Outpatient mental health treatment can also be useful in addressing eating disorders, including:

  • Anorexia nervosa
  • Bulimia nervosa
  • Binge eating disorder
In outpatient care, clients with eating disorders will receive various treatments to promote healthy eating habits and body image. This includes therapy, nutritional counseling, and support groups.

Bipolar Disorder

For people with bipolar disorder, outpatient mental health treatment can be essential. This is especially true for those who do not need the intensity of an inpatient program.

Outpatient mental health services help people with bipolar disorder:
  • Manage mood swings
  • Stabilize mood
  • Prevent relapses through medication management and psychotherapy

Personality Disorders

Outpatient therapy provides support and skills training for people with personality disorders such as borderline personality disorder. The treatments provided help clients manage emotional dysregulation and improve interpersonal relationships.

Grief and Loss

Outpatient counseling and therapy help people cope with grief and loss. Healthcare professionals provide support and strategies to navigate the mourning process. In time, this can help people adjust to life changes.

Stress Management

Outpatient programs teach stress management techniques and coping skills. These can introduce a wide variety of benefits that aid in long-term recovery.

Some of the benefits associated with stress management include:
  • Reduced stress levels
  • Improved resilience
  • Enhanced well-being

Relationship Issues

Outpatient therapy offers couples counseling and family therapy. These work to:
  • Address communication issues
  • Understand and resolve conflicts
  • Navigate relationship challenges
  • Foster healthier and more fulfilling relationships

Benefits of Outpatient Mental Health Treatment

Outpatient mental health treatment offers numerous benefits for those seeking support and assistance. Some of the key benefits include:

Accessibility and Flexibility

Outpatient mental health services are more accessible and flexible compared to inpatient or residential treatment options.
With SRC’s outpatient options, clients can receive the care they need and then return home. This allows them to maintain their:
  • Daily routines
  • Work
  • Family responsibilities

Less Disruption to Daily Life

When a person receives care through our outpatient options, they can continue living at home. This allows them to engage in their regular activities and fulfill their daily responsibilities without sacrificing care.
Outpatient mental health treatment minimizes disruptions to a person’s daily life. This helps maintain a sense of normalcy and stability during the treatment process.

Individualized Care

Outpatient mental health treatment offers personalized and individualized care. This is tailored to each person’s unique needs, preferences, and goals.
Therapists work closely with clients to develop customized treatment plans. Together, they can create a plan that addresses their specific concerns and challenges.

Continuity of Care

Outpatient mental health services support continuity of care by:
  • Providing ongoing support
  • Monitoring progress
  • Adjusting treatment as needed
Clients have the opportunity to develop long-term therapeutic relationships with their providers. This allows them to receive consistent support throughout their recovery journey.

Community Support

Outpatient treatment centers often offer opportunities for clients to connect with others. This includes those who are facing similar challenges through:
  • Support groups
  • Peer counseling
  • Group therapy sessions
This sense of community support can provide encouragement, validation, and a sense of belonging.

Empowerment and Self-Management

Outpatient mental health treatment empowers people to take an active role in their own recovery process.
They learn:
  • Coping skills
  • Strategies for self-management
  • Tools for maintaining their mental health and well-being outside of therapy sessions


Outpatient mental health services are often more cost-effective. This is especially true when compared to inpatient or residential treatment options. This makes them more accessible to people with financial constraints.

Many outpatient programs also accept various forms of insurance coverage. This further reduces the financial burden on clients.

outpatient mental health treatment

SRC: Your Partner in Outpatient Mental Health Treatment

Skyline Recovery Center stands as a trusted leader in outpatient mental health treatment. We offer a comprehensive array of treatments, including:
  • Evidence-based therapies
  • Medication management
  • Support groups
  • Holistic wellness activities
Our goal is to address the diverse needs of each person who walks through our door. We strive to provide clients with the tools and support necessary for their mental health journey.

Experienced Professionals

Skyline Recovery Center is proud to boast a team of seasoned professionals. Our team consists of highly skilled therapists, psychologists, and psychiatric providers. Each member of our staff is dedicated to delivering exceptional care in outpatient mental health treatment.

Our experienced professionals specialize in treating a wide range of mental health concerns. This includes depression, anxiety, substance use disorders, and more.

Whether you’re seeking individual therapy or additional treatments, you can trust that you’re in capable hands at Skyline Recovery Center. Our experienced professionals are here to guide you through your mental health journey with empathy, expertise, and unwavering support.

Collaborative Care Approach

Skyline Recovery Center embraces a collaborative care approach in our outpatient mental health treatment programs. We understand that each person’s journey to mental wellness is unique. Because of this, we believe in partnering with our clients every step of the way.
Our collaborative care approach involves working with clients to develop a deep understanding of their experiences, challenges, and aspirations. By involving clients in the decision-making process, we ensure that their voices are heard.
At Skyline Recovery Center, collaboration is at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to partnering with our clients to provide compassionate, comprehensive, and effective care that empowers them to achieve their mental health goals and live fulfilling lives.

Explore the Benefits of Outpatient Mental Health Treatment with Skyline Recovery Center

At Skyline Recovery Center, we recognize the importance of outpatient mental health treatment. We understand that outpatient options are essential in providing accessible, flexible, and effective care.
Our outpatient programs offer a range of evidence-based therapies. This includes medication management, support groups, and holistic wellness activities tailored to your unique needs. Our individualized plans and collaborative care place you at the heart of your healthcare journey.

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health challenges, we encourage you to explore the outpatient treatment options available at Skyline Recovery Center. You don’t have to face your challenges alone – SRC is here to walk alongside you on your journey to healing.