The Ultimate Guide to
Partial Hospitalization Programs

Learn more about the benefits of partial hospitalization program treatment at Skyline Recovery Center.


Table of Contents

What is a Partial Hospitalization Program?

Finding the right support for substance use and/or mental health conditions can be challenging. A partial hospitalization program (PHP) offers a great solution for those who want a balance between inpatient and outpatient care.

These programs provide structured, intense outpatient care. They are designed to meet the complex treatment needs of people who need more support than traditional therapy. But, they do not need 24-hour supervision.

The partial hospitalization program at Skyline Recovery Center (SRC) in Los Angeles, California, bridges this gap. Our program offers a complete and personalized approach to helping individuals on their journey to recovery.

partial hospitalization program

Understanding Partial Hospitalization Programs

A partial hospitalization program bridges the gap between inpatient and outpatient treatment. Inpatient programs require 24/7 hospitalization and support.

On the other hand, a PHP offers intensive treatment, often around 8 hours per day. This allows people to return home in the evenings.1
This flexibility provides support and structure for those who need more help than traditional outpatient treatment offers. But, unlike inpatient treatment, a PHP is for those who are well enough to function independently outside of the program’s hours.
The main goal of a PHP is to provide intense treatment. It helps people stabilize their mental health or substance use disorder (SUD) symptoms. The intensive support can help people develop the skills they need to manage their conditions.

Important Note About Treatment Differences

It’s important to note the difference between a PHP and other levels of care. Intensive outpatient programs (IOP) often offer fewer hours of treatment per day than a PHP.

Inpatient programs provide 24/7 supervision and care, which may be necessary for those with severe symptoms or who need a break from their environment.

Components of a Partial Hospitalization Program

A comprehensive partial hospitalization program often involves several key components to address various aspects of recovery.
These components can include:2

Therapy Sessions

Individual and group therapy sessions are a cornerstone of a PHP. These sessions provide a safe space for people to:
  • Explore the root causes of their condition
  • Develop coping mechanisms
  • Learn new skills to manage their symptoms effectively

Medication Management

A psychiatrist or other qualified medical professional can manage medication. They ensure clients get the appropriate medication to treat their condition.


A PHP often offers psychoeducational groups. These groups educate people about their mental health or substance misuse, including their:3
  • Diagnosis
  • Symptoms
  • Method of treatment 
  • Medications
This knowledge empowers people to understand their triggers and warning signs, allowing them to take a more active role in their recovery.

Peer Support

Peer support groups provide a valuable sense of community and belonging. It can be incredibly helpful to connect with others who share similar experiences. This can reduce isolation and foster hope and encouragement.

Who Benefits from PHP Treatment?

A PHP is a valuable resource for a variety of people seeking mental health or SUD treatment.
Here are some examples of those who may benefit from a partial hospitalization program:
  • Those moving from inpatient treatment to less intensive care often find a PHP helpful. This can help them maintain progress.
  • People dealing with acute mental health or SUD symptoms. They might need more support than traditional outpatient therapy can benefit from a PHP.
  • Those who need a structured environment to manage their recovery effectively will find that a PHP provides the necessary framework to succeed.
By offering comprehensive and intensive outpatient treatment, the PHP at Skyline Recovery Center caters to people with diverse and complex treatment needs. We are there to support each person’s journey toward lasting recovery

Benefits and Effectiveness of a Partial Hospitalization Program

Below are some of the key benefits of seeking treatment in a partial hospitalization program:

Flexibility and Structure

A PHP offers both flexibility and structure. Unlike inpatient programs, a PHP lets people return home in the evenings. This gives them a sense of normalcy and the ability to keep some of their daily routine.
This flexibility can help people with work or family obligations. These would make full-time hospitalization impractical. Despite their flexibility, a PHP still provides a structured and supportive environment. This structure helps people maintain a consistent routine.
During program hours, they can focus on their recovery. Therapists and other professionals are readily available to offer guidance and support throughout the day.

Intensive Therapy

A PHP goes beyond traditional outpatient therapy by offering a more intensive level of treatment. People often complete up to 8 hours of therapy each day. This allows for deeper exploration of underlying issues and the development of coping skills.
This intensive focus on therapy can lead to significant improvements in depressive symptoms and a reduction in suicidal and self-harming behaviors.4

Support System

The support system offered within a PHP is another key factor in its effectiveness. Peer support groups provide a sense of community and belonging. They let people connect with others who share similar experiences.
Daily interactions with therapists and other professionals are a constant source of encouragement and guidance.
This mix of intensive therapy and full support empowers people. It helps them develop the skills they need to manage their mental health or substance use disorder, lowering the risk of relapse.

Continuity of Care

A PHP plays a vital role in promoting long-term recovery by providing continuity of care. A partial hospitalization program can bridge the gap for people leaving inpatient care. These programs fall between the structure of inpatient care and the freedom of traditional outpatient therapy.
This gradual transition allows people to reintegrate into their daily lives while still receiving the support they need.
The continuity of care provided by a PHP ensures that people receive consistent support throughout their treatment process, ultimately increasing their chances of achieving long-term recovery.

SRC's Partial Hospitalization Program Approach

Skyline Recovery Center understands that recovery is a unique journey for each person. That’s why our partial hospitalization program utilizes a personalized approach to treatment.

Customized Treatment Plans

At SRC, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Our team works together with each person to develop a plan that fits their needs and goals.

This plan may include:
  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Medication management
  • Other evidence-based treatment modalities  
Regular assessments are conducted throughout the program. This ensures that the treatment plan remains effective and adjusts as needed.

Multidisciplinary Team Collaboration

The success of Skyline Recovery Center’s PHP is rooted in its multidisciplinary team approach. A diverse team of professionals works together to provide the best care for each person.
Our professional staff includes:
  • Psychiatrists (MDs and Ph.Ds)
  • Licensed therapists (LCSWs and LMFTs)
  • Substance use counselors (CADACCs and RADTs)
This team-based method ensures that all parts of a person’s mental health and substance misuse challenges are addressed. Regular team meetings and care plans are coordinated. This allows for a seamless and holistic treatment experience and makes the program more effective.

Evidence-Based Treatment Modalities

At SRC, we use a variety of evidence-based modalities in our partial hospitalization program. These include:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

This widely used therapy helps people identify negative thought patterns that contribute to their mental health or SUD symptoms.
They can then develop healthier coping mechanisms and improve their emotional regulation by learning to challenge and reframe these thoughts.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT is a particularly effective therapy for people struggling with borderline personality disorder, emotional dysregulation, and self-destructive behaviors.
It equips clients with practical skills in:
  • Mindfulness
  • Distress tolerance
  • Interpersonal effectiveness
  • Emotional regulation

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR is a powerful therapy for people struggling with trauma. It uses bilateral stimulation (such as eye movements) while recalling traumatic experiences to help process and reduce the emotional distress associated with those memories.5

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

For people struggling with substance misuse, MAT can be a valuable tool. Skyline Recovery Center may incorporate MAT. This combines medication with behavioral therapy to manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings.6
The medications that may be used for MAT include:
  • Methadone
  • Buprenorphine
  • Naloxone
  • Acamprosate
  • Disulfiram
These are just a few examples of evidence-based therapies that may be utilized within SRC’s PHP. The specific therapies used will depend on each person’s unique needs and diagnosis.

Holistic Wellness Opportunities in Our PHP

At Skyline Recovery Center, we believe in treating the whole person–mind, body and spirit. To do this, we incorporate a variety of holistic treatment options into our PHP, including:

Outdoor Adventure Therapy

This therapy uses activities in nature, such as hiking, camping, or rock climbing, to build:
  • Self-confidence
  • Teamwork skills
  • Problem-solving abilities
It can also be a powerful tool for improving communication and trust.7


Breathwork exercises help people regulate their nervous system and emotional state.8 By focusing on controlled breathing patterns, clients can learn to manage stress, anxiety, and cravings.

Sound Bath Therapy

This therapy uses sound vibrations from instruments like gongs and singing bowls to create a deeply relaxing and restorative experience.
It can:9
  • Promote emotional release
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Reduce stress

Mindfulness Practices

A PHP often includes mindfulness practices like meditation and breathing exercises. These exercises help people become more aware of their thoughts and emotions in the present moment, allowing them to:10
  • Manage stress and anxiety
  • Regulate emotions more effectively
  • Cultivate a sense of calm and acceptance 
This increased self-awareness empowers people to make healthier choices and navigate challenges more resiliently. This ultimately improves their recovery journey.
By offering a variety of treatment modalities, Skyline Recovery Center’s partial hospitalization program empowers people to find the best approaches for them. We hope to create a more successful and sustainable recovery journey by doing this.

SRC: Your Partner on the Path to Recovery

At Skyline Recovery Center, we understand that recovery is a journey, not a destination. We are committed to providing a comprehensive continuum of care that extends far beyond the walls of our partial hospitalization program.
We aim to ensure a smooth and supportive transition throughout your recovery process.

Seamless Transitions Made Easy

We know that transitioning between different levels of care can be challenging. Our team is here to make the process as seamless as possible, whether you’re entering the PHP from inpatient care or stepping down to outpatient services after completing the program.
We work closely with your previous treatment facility or develop a personalized plan for continued care with our outpatient team. This ensures a consistent level of support throughout your recovery journey.

Integrated Care and Strong Support for Lasting Results

Our partial hospitalization program seamlessly integrates with our robust outpatient services. This allows you to continue receiving the therapy and support you need after completing the PHP. This continuity of care is essential for maintaining progress and reducing the risk of relapse.

Effective Collaboration

Skyline Recovery Center fosters strong relationships with a network of referral partners, including:
  • Inpatient facilities
  • Detox centers
  • Outpatient therapists
  • Sober living facilities
  • Other community resources
This collaborative approach ensures you receive the most appropriate level of care throughout your recovery journey. Working together creates a supportive network that empowers you to achieve long-term success. Consider us your partner on the path to a healthier and happier you.
partial hospitalization program

PHP: A Stepping Stone to Long-Term Success

Partial hospitalization programs act as a bridge between inpatient treatment and regular therapy sessions. They offer a powerful tool for people struggling with mental health or substance misuse issues.
By providing intensive support and therapy in a structured setting, a PHP can help people get back on track with their recovery.
Partial hospitalization programs equip people with the skills they need to manage their conditions effectively, setting them up for long-term success. The consistent support offered throughout the program helps people stay on the right path and avoid setbacks.

Start Your Journey Today

If you or someone you know is battling mental health or substance misuse challenges, a partial hospitalization program is the answer. Skyline Recovery Center’s PHP provides a caring and supportive environment where you can begin your journey toward healing and a healthier life.

Contact Skyline Recovery Center today to find out how our partial hospitalization program can help you reach your recovery goals. Call us at 310-686-9689 or reach out online.

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