Trauma Treatment Center

Personalized and Evidence-Based Recovery

Let us help you achieve the happy, healthy, and fulfilling life you deserve — free from the impacts of unresolved trauma.

Woman psychologist talking to a young man during a trauma treatment center

Trauma Treatment Center in Los Angeles

Your Healing is Our Priority

At Skyline Recovery Center, a leading trauma treatment center, we understand the profound impact that trauma can have on a person’s life, often leading to substance misuse and mental health challenges.

Our trauma treatment program at this center is designed to provide comprehensive, compassionate care to help you heal from past wounds and build a foundation for lasting recovery.

With our state-of-the-art facility in the heart of Los Angeles, experienced staff, and personalized approach, we are committed to guiding you on your journey to wellness and empowerment.

What Sets Our Trauma Treatment Center Apart

When you choose Skyline Recovery Center for trauma treatment, you can expect:

  • A modern, serene facility that offers a comfortable and conducive environment for healing
  • Personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs, history, and goals  
  • A team of experienced, compassionate professionals with expertise in trauma treatment and mental health
  • Family involvement to foster understanding, support, and facilitate healing in your relationships
  • A positive reputation for prioritizing client care and well-being
  • Comprehensive care that addresses both substance use disorders and primary mental health concerns

At Skyline Recovery Center, a leading trauma treatment center, we understand that mental health and substance use disorders often go hand in hand. That’s why we offer comprehensive care that addresses both primary mental health concerns and addiction.

Our experienced team is equipped to provide integrated treatment at our trauma treatment center, ensuring that all aspects of your well-being are supported throughout your recovery journey.

Our Approach to Trauma Treatment

At Skyline Recovery Center, a leading trauma treatment center, trauma-informed care is a core principle guiding our treatment program. We recognize the profound impact trauma can have on mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Our trauma treatment approach focuses on creating a safe, supportive, and validating environment where you can:

Our trauma treatment program begins with a comprehensive assessment to identify your unique trauma history and its impact on your current functioning.  
From there, our skilled clinicians will collaborate with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals.  We emphasize the importance of:

  • Building trust
  • Establishing healthy boundaries
  • Empowering you to take an active role in your healing process

Personalized Trauma Treatment Plans

Our trauma treatment integrates evidence-based therapies and holistic approaches to provide a well-rounded and effective care experience.  We draw upon a range of modalities, including:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)

Evidence-Based Therapies and Holistic Approaches

By combining these proven techniques with compassionate support, we aim to help you:

  • Process traumatic memories Develop healthy coping skills Build a strong foundation for long-term recovery

Our Goals

How Trauma Influences Addiction and Mental Health

Trauma is a common underlying factor in the development of substance use disorders and mental health conditions. 

Many people who’ve experienced trauma turn to drugs or alcohol as a way to:

  • Cope with painful emotions
  • Numb distressing memories
  • Escape the impact of their experiences

However, while substance use may provide temporary relief, it ultimately worsens the effects of trauma and can lead to addiction.

Impact of Trauma

Trauma can have a profound impact on brain chemistry, emotional regulation, and interpersonal relationships. 

People who have experienced trauma are at increased risk of developing:

The effects of trauma can permeate all aspects of a person’s life, making it difficult to maintain healthy relationships, pursue goals, and find a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Integrated Care at Skyline Recovery Center

You are more than the sum of your mental health challenges. Treatment should reflect that.

At Skyline Recovery Center, we recognize the complex interplay between trauma, addiction, and mental health. That’s why our trauma treatment program places a strong emphasis on addressing these co-occurring disorders at the same time. 

By providing integrated care that targets both the symptoms and the underlying causes of addiction and mental health challenges, we aim to help you achieve comprehensive healing and long-term recovery.

Integrated Treatment for Trauma and Addiction

For people struggling with both trauma and substance use disorders, dual diagnosis treatment is essential for achieving lasting recovery. 

At Skyline Recovery Center, we offer an integrated treatment approach that addresses both conditions concurrently, recognizing that they are often deeply interconnected.

Collaborative Care from a Multidisciplinary Team

Our dual diagnosis program brings together a team of:

  • Trauma specialists
  • Addiction counselors
  • Mental health professionals

These experts work collaboratively to provide comprehensive care through a combination of individual therapy, group counseling, and holistic interventions. We help you develop the skills and strategies needed to manage symptoms, cope with triggers, and maintain sobriety.

Developing Healthy Coping Mechanisms

An important aspect of our dual diagnosis treatment is developing healthy coping mechanisms and emotional regulation strategies. We teach you techniques for managing stress, anxiety, and other emotions without turning to substances. Through evidence-based therapies like CBT and DBT, you’ll learn to:

  • Identify and change negative thought patterns
  • Build distress tolerance
  • Improve interpersonal effectiveness

Family Therapy for Healing and Support

Family therapy is another key component of our dual diagnosis program. We recognize that trauma and addiction often have a significant impact on family dynamics and relationships. 

By involving loved ones in the treatment process, we aim to:

  • Foster understanding
  • Improve communication
  • Promote healing within the family system

How We Do It

Our clinicians work with families to:

  • Address intergenerational trauma
  • Establish healthy boundaries
  • Build a strong support network for long-term recovery

Trauma Treatment Programs and Modalities

At Skyline Recovery Center, we offer a range of trauma treatment programs and modalities to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Our experienced clinicians are trained in evidence-based therapies that have been proven effective in treating trauma and promoting healing. 

Some of the key modalities we utilize include:

Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)

TF-CBT is an evidence-based treatment that helps people:

  • Process traumatic experiences
  • Develop coping skills
  • Reduce trauma-related symptoms

Through a combination of exposure therapy, cognitive restructuring, and relaxation techniques, TF-CBT aims to help you regain a sense of control and improve your general functioning.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR is a powerful therapy that helps people process traumatic memories and reduce the distress associated with them. 

By guiding you through a series of eye movements while focusing on traumatic experiences, EMDR facilitates the reprocessing of these memories. This allows you to develop new, more adaptive beliefs and coping mechanisms.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT is a comprehensive treatment approach that combines cognitive-behavioral techniques with mindfulness and acceptance strategies. 

DBT helps people develop skills in:

  • Emotional regulation
  • Distress tolerance
  • Interpersonal effectiveness
  • Mindfulness

These skills are essential for managing the effects of trauma and maintaining recovery.

Holistic Approaches

In addition to these evidence-based therapies, we also incorporate holistic approaches into our trauma treatment program. Expressive therapies, such as art therapy and music therapy, provide creative outlets for processing traumatic experiences and fostering self-expression.


Throughout your trauma treatment journey at Skyline Recovery Center, you’ll receive psychoeducation on:

  • The nature of trauma
  • Its effects on the mind and body
  • The recovery process

By gaining a deeper understanding of your experiences and the path to healing, you’ll be empowered to take an active role in your recovery and build a strong foundation for long-term wellness.

FAQs About Our Trauma Treatment Center

Below are some commonly asked questions about trauma treatment programs at Skyline Recovery Center:

At Skyline Recovery Center, a leading trauma treatment center, we apply evidence-based practices and personalized care.

We offer:

  • A state-of-the-art facility
  • Experienced and compassionate staff
  • A strong emphasis on family involvement

Our individualized treatment plans address each client’s specific needs, ensuring a comprehensive and effective approach to trauma recovery.

We recognize the complex interplay between trauma and addiction. Our dual diagnosis treatment program at our trauma treatment center provides integrated care for both trauma and substance use disorders simultaneously.

Through a combination of evidence-based therapies, holistic approaches, and skill-building, we help clients develop healthy coping mechanisms and achieve lasting recovery.

At our trauma treatment center we incorporate a number of evidence-based therapies, including:

  • Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

We also offer holistic approaches such as mindfulness, yoga, and expressive therapies to support healing and emotional regulation.

We believe that family involvement is crucial for successful trauma recovery. Our program offers family therapy sessions, psychoeducation, and support groups to:

  • Foster understanding
  • Improve communication
  • Promote healing within the family system


By addressing intergenerational trauma and building a strong support network, we help clients and their loved ones navigate the recovery journey together.

Taking the first step toward trauma recovery can be challenging, but our compassionate admissions team is here to support you every step of the way. We offer confidential assessments, insurance verification, and guidance to help you access the care you need. 

Don’t let trauma control your life any longer. Call Skyline Recovery Center today to learn more about our trauma treatment program and start your journey to healing and empowerment.

Start Your Journey to Trauma Recovery Today

If you or a loved one is struggling with the effects of trauma, know that you are not alone. At Skyline Recovery Center, we are here to support you every step of the way on your path to healing and recovery. 

Our compassionate admissions team is available 24/7 to:

  • Answer your questions
  • Provide guidance
  • Help you take the first step toward a brighter future

We are in-network with major insurance providers, ensuring that you have access to the high-quality trauma treatment you deserve. Our team will work with you to verify your insurance coverage and explore all available options to make your care as affordable and accessible as possible.

Contact Skyline Recovery Center Today

Don’t let trauma control your life any longer. Take the first step toward healing and wholeness today. Call Skyline Recovery Center now for a confidential assessment and to verify your insurance. 

Our team is ready to walk alongside you on your journey to recovery and empowerment.